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Ani Pidedjian

Some twenty five years back as a college student, Ani discovered yoga, working behind the desk at the then Santa Monica Dance and Exercise. After moving to New York to work as a reporter, she studied yoga more extensively, and began to better appreciate the many dimensions physical yoga offers. Drawn in particular, to the power of joining the breath, movement and attention, she made a pilgrimage to study Asthanga Yoga in Mysore, South India with K Pattahbi Jois in 1999. Thereafter, she explored other styles of yoga and became a Certified Yoga Teacher under Govinda Kai, David Hollander and Michael Gilbert. Ani furthered her training with Yoga Works, completing their Teacher Intensive. She is also certified in Baby Om yoga. She has taught at the Westside Yoga Works, New York Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Be Yoga. Her eclectic teaching style draws from the lineages of TKV Desikichar, B.K.S. Iyengar and K. Pattabhi Jois, focusing on correct alignment, use of the breath and flow. She feels fortunate to be able to pass on the life-giving practice of yoga.


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