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Kathryn Maykish

Teaching both Bikram and Vinyasa style yoga, Kathryn blends her love of movement from her life as a dancer with an academic knowledge of the body. She offers intuitive adjustments and plenty of options so that every body, no matter how beginner or advanced, can find a yoga practice that is welcoming and accessible. Kathryn encourages her students to work to their edge while seeking a depth that honors their personal limits. Kathryn started practicing yoga as cross training, while she was an aspiring dancer in New York City and it quickly became an essential element to keeping her body strong and her mind focused. In 2007, she entered a teaching apprenticeship with Yoga to the People in New York and has since helped to develop it's teacher training program while leading the hands-on adjustments portion of the training. Kathryn has guest taught at Bikram Yoga Southwest, Vegas Hot, and TruFusion Yoga in Las Vegas. Currently, Kathryn is finishing her final year in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at New York Medical College.
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