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CIZE Live Various Instructors

This is your chance to "dance like no one's watching"—in the comfort of our own Studio! CIZE Live created by Shaun T from BEACHBODY Just as you might not master a full push-up or pull-up on your first try, this will be a challenge. This isn't one of those "dance-lite" workouts where you just shuffle your feet to the beat. You will learn real choreographed dance workouts. Your CIZE Live Instructor will break down the moves step-by-step, as you go, so you can learn them, repeat them until you're comfortable, put a sequence together, then bust out a full routine to songs from an upbeat, contemporary and jamming playlist! You'll be completely amazed at how good you do and how good you feel! Great dancing and it is hard work. The more you get into it, the more you'll get out of it. You WILL drip sweat. And you WON'T stop moving. Performing these pulse-pounding, thrilling workouts is serious cardiovascular conditioning, core strengthening, and overall muscle toning—all at once.
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8 Wednesday
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10 Friday
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12 Sunday
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13 Monday
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14 Tuesday
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